Customers’ sharing: Ganocare significantly improves their pets’ skin, respiratory and gastrointestinal problems.

Following an anterior cruciate ligament surgery in end-April, my dog has to be caged for recovery. During the process, its skin suffered from allergy, and took anti-biotics for 3 weeks to heal the skin infection. Despite recovered now, it was frustrated by itchy skin in humid weather. It rejects nail manicure which would only worsen its skin condition during scratching. I don’t want to give anymore medicine, and hope GANOCARE can help.

"Hello my dog is recovering. I continue giving it GANOCARE every day. I would say its current skin condition is the best in the past 8 years. Thank you GANOCARE."
“It all happened when my mum bought an outfit online, which after wearing it, ‘Pineapple’ began to have tineas all over his body, which led to him bleeding and his fur to shed from up to more than 20 spots.
After spending thousands of dollars on vets and eating antibiotics for over a month, and all the hard work I put into removing his dead skin, sanitizing, bathing and applying medicine, nothing seemed to work.
After my mom gave up, the bottle of GANOCARE I bought the other day really came in handy. Not only did I feed him one pill a day, I also sprayed his wound with a mixture of its powder and water, and sprinkle a little bit of that powder on its nose.
At the same time we did bathe him with totara, and fed him taurine etc. After that when we scanned him with ultraviolet light, the fungus actually disappeared. Then after two weeks of applying GANOCARE powder to its nose, the fur he shed started to grow back (previously we tried to squeeze it like a pimple, which left a scar on his nose and is possible for the tip of his nose to be bald forever) Luckily his fur grew back, and we didn’t have to bear the guilt of making him bald.
Now the bald spots on Pineapple’s face are gone, and he can play joyfully with everyone else. In conclusion it is very troublesome for your dog to have tineas, so it is better if we think twice before putting our pets in any outfit. Hopefully with the continual intake of GANOCARE, the tineas on Pineapple would not strike back, and be treated forever.”

“I have been a fan of GANOCARE since last year, and never vomit or diarrhea nor visit my vet thereafter, I assume it is because my immunity improved.”
Dogs at my dog homing centre have all been fed GANOCARE for a long time. GANOCARE is the only healthcare supplements that I would give to my dogs after surgery as usually they could recover faster because of GANOCARE.
Hence before Simba left the hospital, I contact you for GANOCARE, afraid of insufficient stock which I usually prioritized for another female dog named Kin. Kin is a strayed and old dog with poor skin condition and deteriorating health. After taking GANOCARE for sometime, Kin’s hair color and overall health condition keeps improving and overall energized.
Therefore, after Simba out from hospital and with the help of GANOCARE, Simba recovered within only a few days. It certainly eased my worries and I have the peace of mind to arrange rehabilitation courses for Simba. Although those courses involved daily visit to treatment centre and spent a few hours every time, Simba didn’t find it hard or felt exhausted but energized to sustain the course.
With the above in mind, I always advocate the importance of daily health maintenance for dogs at all ages, and it is wise to start from their infancy, so that they are more capable of fighting illness when immunity is boosted.
Now, although Simba not yet able to walk, I believe one day it can make this happen.

"The humid weather is always tough on paws, causing infection between toes.
Situation has notable improvement after a week’s application of GANOCARE powder."

The troublesome swollen paws caused by infection between toes, especially in times of humid weather, has been further worsened when licking the irritated skin.
I tried giving one capsule of GANOCARE daily as internal and external therapy. A week after, swollen condition was significantly improved and it stopped licking its paws too.
"GANOCARE made swollen skin diminish and hair loss improved."

“Frontline” application previously on Sesame’s neck has caused allergy. Despite it has once been getting better, the skin is prone to irritation caused by dog collar, resulting in hair loss and rashes.
I give GANOCARE to Sesame and its skin keeps improving. Until now, even though I didn’t use GANOCARE for a while, Sesame’s neck is still well.
"my goodness, situation was turned around in only 10 days!"

Shun Shun is 5 years old. Sometime ago its reddened tummy started itchy. Frequent licking of the red rashes has caused hair loss around the affected skin. The urgency left me little choices but to put on a plastic cone around its head, however its legs got swollen probably because of the cone. I hearsay a kind of bathing liquid soap might help, to my dismay, I used that for 10 days but no sign of healing. I desperately tried all kinds of method including hirudin and stem cells treatment, still not working. Fortunately, a friend recommended GANOCARE to me, my goodness, situation was turned around in only 10 days!
"4 days to get rid of rashes by application of internal and external therapy."

Due to pneumonia, it has been prescribed anti-biotics and anti-inflammatories before takes in GANOCARE and I continued the therapy for 1 month. Every week I took it to see the vet. I’ve ever stopped giving medication and under my observation. Unfortunately, without the medication, it coughed and coughed, looked like it was having asthma. My friend referred GANOCARE which is believed to help boosting immunity and detoxification.
I started feeding GANOCARE on the first day of suspension of medication. Now it has been a week, I didn’t hear any sound of cough. I was so delighted that we don’t have to see our vet nor taking medicine.
A few days ago, spontaneously found rashes on its skin. I thought of GANOCARE and immediately got Ganoderma amboinense liquid to clean its wounds and witnessed the fast improvement that GANOCARE brought.
Ultimately, just within 4 days, its rashes miraculously improved when both internal and external treatment were being used.

He doesn’t eat much. Frequently in bad appetite. Soft poop found on floor for 2-3 days every month before takes in GANOCARE.
Diarrhea happens once or twice in between, then stops.
And It heals gastrointestinal issues and makes hair silky.
"It works! “Soft ice-cream” (poop) turned into “popsicles”!"

Soft-poop (sometimes runny though) is my problem since the day I was borne. My habit of “examining“ my poop and consequently makes my whishy tail dirty and smelly and being isolated by my siblings. Mom gave me probiotics, but I think she quickly realized that probiotics didn’t help.
My mom’s “stalky” personality did bring me a sign of hope. She made my “soft ice-cream” famous among a chat group under GANOCARE’s “Regain health program”, but she got a solution there.
Mom opened a GANOCARE capsule and pour the powder into my food and mixed together, thought I wasn’t aware of it. Surprisingly, I wouldn’t even miss the powder fell onto the table. It works! Soft ice-cream turned into popsicles.
To conclude…
If your cat has similar problem, try GANOCARE rather than probiotics.