Superb and core ingredient of the product is originated from the combination of Gallop’s famous Ganoderma amboinense and her nano-technology. Ganos for Pets is particularly designed for dogs and cats aged one or above, for immunity boosting, speed health recovery from illnesses.
Click here to know more about Ganos of Pets’ key product benefits to your pets.
GALLOP has been established since 1998 by Mr Lai Chiu Tai who was honoured the “King of Ganoderma”. Years of intensive research and development of Ganoderma amboinense, and further applies this spectacular species in the best-ever Ganoderma lucidum healthcare products, have all made Gallop deserved to receive the honour.
R & D have been continuing for years for new Ganoderma products that go beyond the health supplement perspective, at the foundation of the advanced cultivation of Ganoderma amboinense. Whilst the dynamic-use of the finest ever Ganoderma powder was gifted by the nano-technology.
The spectacular cultivation method is originated from Japan in the 1970s when Shinsho San, the Japanese scientist has positively advanced Ganoderma lucidum’s traditional growth of pattern and shape that looks like a deer horn (hence the Chinese name of Ganoderma amboinense has the term “deer horn”). Ganoderma amboinense will not release spores throughout the entire growth process which successfully retain all the nutrients in the body of the plant.
Good and appropriate cultivation environment is vital for successful growth of Ganoderma amboinense. Each plant thrives in a well-monitored indoor environment and has a relatively richer level of polysaccharides as high as 57.7%.
Another key factor for an effective healthcare product is how to deliver all the benefits to human body. Gallop applies nano-technology that make 100% dissolution of Ganoderma amboinense powder in water a reality and substantially increase the penetration of supplements benefits to human cells.
Polysaccharides – Scientifically proven effective
Polysaccharides are polymer compounds that composed of multiple monosaccharide molecules. Its functions include boosting up immunity, reduces allergy, lowers glucose level, anti-tumor etc. Polysaccharides exist in nature, usually on fungi and algae.